The Committee
Here at Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh, we are driven by one single goal; to do our part in making the islands a better place for everyone to enjoy and appreciate while sharing and preserving our heritage.

The Formation of Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh
Formation of CEE: A group of islanders met to discuss the establishment of Comann Eachdraidh, recognising the rich heritage and culture of Eriskay and the potential loss of valuable information.
Official Formation: On March 17th, Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh was officially established, aligning with other Historical Societies in the Outer Hebrides.
Community Engagement: CEE began holding exhibitions in the community hall, collecting stories, artefacts, and photographs from the local community.
Logo: Competition launched with Eriskay schoolchildren to create a design for our logo. Votes were selected by the community and Michel Iain Mac Innes’s design was selected.
Community Office: CEE took on the rental of the community office in Eriskay Community Hall, providing a base for exhibitions and the safe storage of documents and archives.
On The Rocks Festival: On June 24th, CEE hosted the "On the Rocks Festival," in collaboration with Eilidh (Helen) MacInnes from South Uist, coinciding with the anniversary of the SS Politician running aground near Roisinis Point.
Former Eriskay School Discussions:
Eriskay school closed in 2013; CEE consulted with the community to gaugeinterest in purchasing the sold school on behalf of the community. Unanimous decision to take on this important asset for the island.
▪ Stage 1: Offered to Hebridean Housing.
▪ Stage 2: Offered to community groups at a reduced rate.
▪ Stage 3: Sold on the open market (If no interest from community).
CEE engaged in discussions with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) about purchasing the school through the Asset Transfer process, but withdrew months later due to land constraints.
URRAS Eilean na h-Oige formed to purchase the school and also withdrew at a later date due to the same land constraints.
Elizabeth Buchanan MacDonald donated £8,000 towards the purchase of the school.
Eriskay School Purchase Discussions- Round 2: Sandra Mac Innes reached out to Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive of CnES, for assistance with land issues. A compromise was agreed, and the application was able to proceed
SCIO Status: CEE became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
Scottish Land Fund Application: Successfully applied for funding through the Lottery, matched by Elizabeth MacDonald’s donation.
School Purchase: December 19th marked the Announcement of successful Scottish Land Fund application to purchase the former Eriskay School for community use, including plans for an exhibition area, office space, and a tearoom.
Fishing Exhibition: August Held a fishing exhibition coinciding with DA Donald MacKinnon’s return trip to Eriskay on the restored boat, Jasper (formerly Santa Maria III), celebrating its significance to the island's heritage.
War Memorial Blessing: Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh created a War Memorial for those who have fallen in both world wars. A ceremony to unveil and bless the Eriskay War Memorial, featuring a tribute to those who lost their lives with a touching service led by Fr. Ross.
Keys to the School: CEE received the keys to the former school in May, marking a significant milestone.
Community Donation: The first community donation of £5,000 was received from Daliburgh Thrift Shop, a fantastic match funding start to our fundraising efforts.
Planning and Development: Completed business plans, designs, and secured planning and BW for demolition of unsafe buildings.
Construction Started: We were thrilled to announce that funding has been secured from the Islands Programme Fund, the Islands Infrastructure Fund, and generous community donations, allowing us to finally commence construction on this long-awaited community-led project! After years of paperwork and planning, we are excited to take this significant step forward.
Buy a Slate Crowdfunder: Launched the “Buy a Slate” fundraiser, allowing community members to purchase a slate and write a name or personal message on the reverse. These slates will be fixed to the roof and kept in the school's archive as a Book of Sponsors.
Collaboration with Rob Sara from University of Cumbria: Initiated a photography project reflecting on the island's heritage.
Phase 1 Started: Work started on the old Eriskay school redevelopment.
o Demolition of old buildings and essential structural works were completed.
Ionad Eilean na h-Òige: CEE consulted with Eriskay community worldwide for suggestions for a name for the old school redevelopment. Suggestions went to a vote on social media and locally. Ionad Eilean na h-Òige was selected as it was the most popular choice.
Community surveys: Community surveys were distributed to gather input on what residents would like to see in the school, their views on preserving heritage, and which aspects of our heritage should be prioritised in the redevelopment of the old school.
Community Consultation: Community consultations held over 2 days regarding the proposed plans for the regeneration of the old school. Results of survey distributed and discussed.
Community Action Plan: Launched discussions to create an "Eriskay Climate Action Plan and a Community Action Plan", to address local priorities, including climate action initiatives.
Deputy First Minister’s Visit: John Swinney MSP visited Eriskay to find out about the CEE plans for the redevelopment of the old school.
Community Events:
o 19th September: Hosted the Eriskay Archaeology Walk.
o Networking Day on May 18th focused on community support services.
o Organised various workshops and classes, including NHS Gentle Exercise classes.
o Launched a community run library and held various workshops, including knitting and storytelling sessions.
BE_ST Just Transition Award: CEE won the award, recognised for its grassroots impact on the community.
CEE registered for VAT.
Sustainability Efforts: Pioneered whole-life carbon analysis, making the Ionad Eilean na h-Òige project aiming for net-zero carbon emissions. First in the Western Isles to carry this out.
Fr. Allan Trail / Cuairt Mhgr Ailein Heritage Trail Launched: Collaboration between St. Michael’s Church and CEE for the development of the Fr. Allan Trail,launched on April 21st. Bok to follow later in the year.
First Minister’s Visit: John Swinney MSP visited to review progress on the school renovation, this time as First Minister.
October: The Fr. Allan Trail became a finalist in the National Churches Trust "Open for Visitors Awards" due to the collaboration with St. Michael’s Church & CEE.
Ionad Eilean na h-Òige: Phase one complete, securing the building for another hundred years!
Phase 2 funding and Phase 3 Funding in Progress.
Phase 2 of Development: The Scottish Government’s Islands Programme announced a successful funding bid for CEE, granting £651k towards Phase 2 construction, which is expected to be completed by March 2026.